Flight Tips

Flight Tips

Take a look these Flight Tips to help your journey run smoothly - brought to you by SkyParkSecure.com

Hand Luggage Liquid Allowances: The Complete Guide

Confused about the liquid rules when you fly? Want to know what exactly counts as a liquid (does peanut butter count?!), how much you...

Cabin Crew Secrets – Hacks and Tips for Flying

Looking for the ultimate cabin crew secrets to help you survive your next flight? Well there's a lot more to the job than meets the...

How Can I Tell If My Flight Will Be Delayed Before...

Whether you're going somewhere for work, going on holiday with the family, or trying to get back home, flight delays are one of the...

Flying with Children: Tips & Travel Secrets to Help You

Coming from an international family and being a mother to very energetic 5 and 6-year-old boys, I was literally thrown into the deep end...

How to Sneak an Engagement Ring on a Plane

If you're planning on proposing to your loved one when you go away for Valentine's Day, the last thing you want is to set the...

5 Ways to Fall Asleep on a Plane FAST

So you've woken up at 3am, driven to the airport, parked your car, and boarded the plane. You've never been more exhausted, and all you...

Travelling With Surfing Equipment – What to Think About

While Britain has many coastal surfing areas, our weather is hardly conducive to popular water sports. This is why many people decide to go abroad...

How to Keep Your Golf Clubs Safe While Travelling

Whether you travel abroad to play golf frequently, or you're about to do it for the first time, it's important to protect your clubs...

Funny Flight Attendant Stories That’ll Make You Laugh

The glitz & glamour of being a flight attendant is something to be jealous of, right? Not according to this Quora question page! We have featured...

Top 5 Ways to Save Space in Your Case

There are ever increasing limitations on the amount of luggage you can take on holiday without incurring additional charges (looking at you, Ryanair). So to help...